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Time: 2007-03-27 22:55:09
Note: /scc/spwiki/Fortran/edit "Added some text from the main page."

The goal of this project is to locate source code, design documents, and other materials concerning the original IBM 704 FORTRAN compiler. FORTRAN was chosen because it was the first high-level programming language and the first high-quality optimizing compiler. This is a pilot project of the `Computer History Museum's <>`_ 
`Software Preservation Group <>`_ to develop expertise in the collection, preservation, and presentation of historic software. Comments, suggestions, and donations of additional materials are greatly appreciated.

This is a placeholder for the root of a set of wiki entries that might ultimately replace the 
`History of Fortran and Fortran II <>`_ web page.

Bob Abeles, Allison Akbay, Fran Allen, David K. Allison, The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Bob Ayers, John Backus, John T. Bagwell Jr., Bob Bemer, Nance L. Briscoe, Leonard Bruno, Sharon Brunzel, Peter Capek, Alicia Cutler, Frank da Cruz, John Van Gardner, Mark Halpern, Dennis E. Hamilton, Leif Harcke, Norm Hardy, Bob Hughes, Peter Zilahy Ingerman, Paula Jabloner, Jim King, Al Kossow, Paul Lasewicz, J.A.N. Lee, Daniel N. Leeson, Doug McIlroy, George A. Michael, Anel Rodriguez Muller, David Padua, Paul Pierce, Dave Pitts, Micah Nutt, Bernard L. Peuto, Roger Roach, Jean Sammet, Len Shustek, Dick Sites, Dag Spicer, Rob Storey, Kirsten Tashev, Tom Van Vleck, Michael R. Williams, and Irving Ziller.

Source Code

- FORTRAN II compiler source listing. Smithsonian Institution - National Museum of American History, Catalog number 304,349. Originally donated by Peter Zilahy Ingerman. Assembly language (SAP) listing of 4K and 8K drum versions of the final IBM 704 FORTRAN II compiler. Three volumes. Pages I-III of Volume I are a table of contents. Digital scan is Computer History Museum Lot X3435.2006.
  - Cover letter from A.L. Harmon to Peter Zilahy Ingerman, May 13, 1959.
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