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Grant Maxwell Roberts. An Implementation of PROLOG. 1977 by Paul McJones — last modified 2019-05-16 15:19
Grant Maxwell Roberts. An Implementation of PROLOG. Master's thesis, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 1977.
Grant Roberts. Waterloo Prolog User's Guide, version 1.4. by Paul McJones — last modified 2019-05-21 17:14
With handwritten corrections by author.
Grant Roberts. Waterloo Prolog User's Guide, version 1.4. Grayscale version. by Paul McJones — last modified 2019-05-21 17:14
With handwritten corrections by author. Grayscale version.
M. H. van Emden. An interpreting algorithm for Prolog programs. 1982. by Paul McJones — last modified 2019-06-03 17:30
M. H. van Emden. An interpreting algorithm for Prolog programs. First International Logic Programming Conference, University of Marseille, 1982. Also published in: J. A. Campbell, editor, Implementations of Prolog, Ellis Horwood, 1984.
Mantis H. M. Cheng. Waterloo Unix Prolog and Lisp Environment. by Paul McJones — last modified 2019-06-20 11:34
Mantis H. M. Cheng. Waterloo Unix Prolog and Lisp Environment. Report includes User Manual, Implementor Manual, and Source Code listing. University of Waterloo.
Mantis H. M. Cheng. FPL manual, source listing, and examples. University of Waterloo, 1988. by Paul McJones — last modified 2019-06-20 11:11
Mantis H. M. Cheng. FPL manual, source listing, and examples. University of Waterloo, 1988. A typed functional programming language.
Allen Hustler. Programming law in logic. University of Waterloo, 1982. by Paul McJones — last modified 2019-09-30 17:01
Allen Hustler. Programming law in logic. Research Report CS-82-13, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Canada, 1982.
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