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Logic Programming Workshop'83

by Paul McJones last modified 2019-11-27 14:28

Praia da Falésia, Algarve / PORTUGAL
26 June - 1 July, 1983
Núcleo de Intelligência Artificial

Proceedings edited by:

Luís Moniz Pereira
António Porto
Luís Monteiro
Miguel Figueiras

Sponsored by:

Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial
Direcção-Geral do Ensino Superior
Junta Nacional de Investigação Cientifica e Tecnológica
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Cientifica

  • Poster PDF
  • Full proceedings (643 pages, 62 MB) PDF


  • Front matter (cover, title, foreword, contents) PDF
  • Maurice Bruynooghe. Some Reflexions on Implementation Issues of Prolog. pp. 1-6. PDF
  • Harvey Abramson. A Prological Definition or HASL: a Purely Functional Language with Unification Based Conditional Binding Expressions. pp. 7-39. PDF
  • Gerard Ballieu. A Virtual Machine to Implement Prolog. pp. 40-52. PDF
  • Hiroshi Nishikawa, Minoru Yokota, Akira Yamamoto, Kazuo Taki, Shunichi Uchida. The Personal Sequential Inference Machine (PSI): Its Design and Machine Architecture. pp. 53-73. PDF
  • D. L. Bowen, L. M. Byrd, W. F. Clocksin. A Portable Prolog Compiler. pp. 74-83. PDF
  • Ehud Shapiro. Methodology of Logic Programming. pp. 84-93. PDF
  • E. W. Elcock. The Pragmatics of Prolog: Some Comments. pp. 94-106. PDF
  • Alan Mycroft, Richard O'Keefe. A Polymorphic Type System for Prolog. pp. 107-122. PDF
  • Simon Kasif, Madhur Kohli, Jack Minker. PRISM - A Parallel Inference System for Problem Solving. pp. 123-152. PDF
  • Madhur Kohli, Jack Minker. Control of Logic Prosrams Using Integrity Constraints. pp. 153-170. PDF
  • Akikazu Takeuchi, Kouichi Furukawa. Interprocess Communication in Concurrent Prolog. pp. 171-185. PDF
  • Stanisław Matwin, Tomasz Pietrzwkowski. Intelligent Backtracking for Automated Deduction in FOL. pp. 186-191. PDF
  • Antonio Porto. Logical Action Systems. pp. 192-203. PDF
  • Jack Minker. Issues in Developing Expert Systems. pp. 204-215. PDF
  • E. P. Stabler, Jr. and E. W. Elcock. Knowledge Representation in an Efficient Deductive Inference System. pp. 216-228. PDF
  • Ferenc Darvas, Kornél Bein, Zoltán Gabmányi. A Logic-Based Expert System for Model Building in Regression Analysis. pp. 229-239. PDF
  • Eugénio Oliveira. Developing Expert Systems Builders in Logic Programming. pp. 240-251. PDF
  • Adrian Walker, Antonio Porto. KBO1: A Knowledge Based Garden Store Assistant. pp. 252-270. PDF
  • Kamran Parsaye. Data Base Manasement, Knowledge Base Management and Expert System Development in Prolog. pp. 271-289. PDF
  • Jan Chomicki, Wlodzimierz Grudzinski. A Data Base Support System for Prolog. pp. 290-303. PDF
  • M. H. Williams, J. C. Neves, S. O. Anderson. Security and Integrity in Logic Data Bases Using Query-By-Example. pp. 304-340. PDF
  • J. Neves, M. Williams. Towards a Co-operative Data Base Management System. pp. 341-370. PDF
  • T. Pietrzwkowski. PROGRAPH as an Environment for Prolog DB Applications. pp. 371-388. PDF
  • Miguel Filgueiras, Luís Moniz Pereira. Relational Data Bases 'à la carte'. pp. 389-407. PDF
  • Patrick Saint-Dizier. Modelling Human-Computer Interactions in a Friendly Interface. pp. 408-418. PDF
  • Miguel Filgueiras. A Kernel for a General Natural Language Interface. pp. 419-436. PDF
  • Pierre Deransart. An Operational Algebraic Semantics of Prolog Programs. pp. 437-442. PDF
  • Ed Babb. Finite Computation Principle: An Alternative Method of Adapting Resolution for Logic Programming. pp. 443-460. PDF
  • Andrzej Lingas. A Note on Computational Complexity of Logic Programs. pp. 461-473. PDF
  • M. Falaschi, G. Levi, C. Palamidessi. On the Fixed-Point Semantics of Horn Clauses with Infinite Terms. pp. 474-484. PDF
  • Patrizia Asirelli. Some Aspects of the Static Semantics of Logic Programs with Monadic Functions. pp. 485-505. PDF
  • Pierpaolo Degano, Stefano Diomedi. A First Order Semantics of a Connective Suitable to Express Concurrency. pp. 506-517. PDF
  • M. Bellia, G. Levi, M. Martelli. On Compiling Prolog Programs on Demand Driven Architectures. pp. 518-535. PDF
  • Andrzej Ciepielewski, Seif Haridi. Control of Activities in the Or-Parallel Token Machine (ABSTRACT). p. 536. PDF
  • Seif Haridi, Andrzej Ciepielewski. An Or-Parallel Token Machine. pp. 537-552. PDF
  • I. Mozetič, I. Bratko, N. Lavrač. An Experiment in Automatic Synthesis of Expert Knowledge Through Qualitative Modelling. pp. 553-559. PDF
  • Seif Haridi, Dan Sahlin. Evaluation of Logic Programs Based on Natural Deduction (DRAFT). pp. 560-574. PDF
  • Paul Sabatier. Contextual Grammars in Prolog (ABSTRACT). pp. 575-577. PDF
  • Veronica Dahl. Current Trends in Logic Grammars. pp. 578-607. PDF
  • Hervé Gallaire. Logical Data Bases vs Deductive Data Bases. pp. 608-622. PDF
  • C. D. S. Moss. Computing with Sequences. pp. 623-630. PDF
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