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by Paul McJones last modified 2023-03-15 16:43

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A Selection of Algebra Problems 
Alan Bundy   10.5.79*/


smallrun :- checklist(stats,[logeqn(A1), expeqn(A2), trigeqn(A3)]).

run :- checklist(stats, [logeqn(A1), expeqn(A2), trigeqn(A3), coueqn(A4),
			simppull(A5), nl4(A6), car(A7), simpeqns(A8), 
			pulltab(A9), tower1(A10), 
			stvineq(A11), conjineq(A12),
			dome(A13), bloc(A14), train(A15), nastyeqn(A16),
			loop(A17), tower2(A18)]).

/*Run problem with statistics*/

stats(Problem) :- Problem=..[Name,Arg], statistics(runtime,_),
		call(Problem), !, statistics(runtime,[ _, Time]),
		trace('\n%t took %t milliseconds and produced answer %e\n\n', 
			[Name,Time,Arg], 0).

stats(Problem) :- statistics(runtime,[ _, Time]),
  trace('\nSorry I could not prove %t and I spent %t not doing it \n\n', 
	[Problem, Time], 0).


logeqn(Ans) :- solve(log(e,x+1) + log(e,x-1) = 3, x, Ans).

expeqn(Ans) :- solve((2^(x^2))^(x^3) = 2, x, Ans).

trigeqn(Ans) :- 
  solve(((2^(cos(x)^2)*2^(sin(x)^2))^sin(x))^cos(x) = 2^(1/4), x, Ans).

coueqn(Ans) :- solve(cos(x)^2 + b*cos(x) = c, x, Ans).

nastyeqn(Ans) :- solve(y=((1+x^2)^(2^(-1))) / x, x, Ans).

/*single equation goals*/

coseqn(Ans) :- solve(cos(x-45) = sin(2*x) , x , Ans).

sqrteqn(Ans) :- solve(sqrt(5*x - 25) - sqrt(x-1) = 2 , x , Ans).

pow2eqn(Ans) :- solve(2^(2*x+8) - 32*2^x + 1 = 0, x , Ans).

quarteqn(Ans) :- solve(12*x^4 - 56*x^3 + 89*x^2 - 56*x + 12 = 0, x ,Ans).


/*trivial test equations*/
simpeqns(Ans) :- simsolve(
    a=b & b=c & c=1 & true , [a,c,b] , Ans).

/*simple pulley*/
simppull(Ans) :- simsolve(
    m1*g*cos(180) + (1*tsn + 0) = m1*(a1*1)  &
    m2*g*1 + (cos(180)*tsn + 0) + 0 = m2*(a1*1)  &
    true , [tsn,a1] , Ans).

/*pulley and table with friction*/
pulltab(Ans) :- simsolve(
    m1*g*cos(270) + (1*tsn + (cos(-270)*reaction1 + 1*mu*reaction1 + 0))
      + 0 = m1*(a1*1)  &
    m2*g*1 + (cos(180)*tsn + 0 ) + 0=m2*(a1*1)  &
    m1*g*1 + (cos(270)*tsn + (reaction1 + cos(270)*mu*reaction1 + 0)) + 0
      = m1*(a1*cos(270))  &
  [reaction1, tsn, a1]  , Ans).

/*natural language problem four*/
nl4(Ans) :- simsolve(
    v^2=0^2 + 5*(60*60)^2 / (1760*3)*2000/1760  &
    true ,  [v] , Ans).

/*simple car problem*/
car(Ans) :- simsolve(
    1760*3*d0=0*60*t + 1/2*a*60*t^2  &
    v = 0 + a*60*t  &
    true ,  [t, v]  , Ans).

/*tower p21 no13 Palmer & Snell*/
tower1(Ans) :- simsolve(
    v = vel1 + 32*t2  &
    d2 = vel1*t2 + 1/2*32*t2^2  &
    true ,  [vel1, v]  , Ans).

/*train problem p18 Palmer & Snell*/
train(Ans) :- simsolve(
    t0 = t1+(t2+(t3+0))  &
    45/60 = 0 + 2^(-1)/60^2*t1  &
    45/60*t2 = d2  &
    0 = 45/60 + (-2)/60^2*t3  &
    7 = d1+(d2+(d3+0))  &
    d1 = 0*t1 + 1/2*2^(-1)/60^2*t1^2  &
    d3 = 45/60*t3 + 1/2*(-2)/60^2*t3^2  &
    true  ,  [t0, t1, t2, t3, d2, d1, d3]  , Ans).

/*tower to determine value of g*/
tower2(Ans) :- simsolve(
    v = 0 + a0*t0  &
    vc = 0 + a1*t1 &
    v = vc +a1*t2  &
    t0 = t1 + (t2 + 0)  &
    d2 = vc*t2 + 1/2*a1*t2^2  &
    d1 = 0*t1 + 1/2*a1*t1^2  &
    true  ,  [v, vc, a1, t0, t1, a0]  , Ans).


stvineq(Ans) :- solveineq(x > 1/(1+sin(y)^2), x, Ans).

conjineq(Ans) :- solveineq(2*g*h1>0 & 2*g*(h1-h2)>=0 &
			2*g*(h1-h2)>0 & 2*g*(h1-h2)>=0 & true, X, Ans).

bloc(Val) :- solveineq(sqrt(2*g*h1)>0 & real(sqrt(2*g*(h1-h2))) & 
  sqrt(2*g*(h1-h2))>0 & real(sqrt(2*g*(h1-h2-l1*tan(t)))) & true,

loop(Minval) :- min(real(sqrt(2*g*h-2*g*r)) & sqrt(2*g*h-2*g*r)>0 &
  real(sqrt(2*g*h-4*g*r)) & (2*g*h-2*g*r*(1+sin(ang))) >= r*g*sin(ang) &
  sqrt(2*g*h-4*g*r)>0 &
  (2*g*h-2*g*r*(1+sin(ang))) >= r*g*sin(ang) & true,  h,Minval).

dome(Minval) :- min(m*g*(3*sin(d)-2)>=0 & true,d,Minval).


quantity(reactionq1).	measure(reactionq1,reaction1).
quantity(muq).		measure(muq,mu).
quantity(vcq).		measure(vcq,vc).
quantity(velq1).	measure(velq1,vel1).
quantity(tq0).		measure(tq0,t0).
quantity(tq1).		measure(tq1,t1).
quantity(tq2).		measure(tq2,t2).
quantity(tq3).		measure(tq3,t3).
quantity(dq0).		measure(dq0,d0).
quantity(dq1).		measure(dq1,d1).
quantity(dq2).		measure(dq2,d2).
quantity(dq3).		measure(dq3,d3).
quantity(aq0).		measure(aq0,a0).
quantity(aq1).		measure(aq1,a1).
quantity(aq3).		measure(aq3,a3).
quantity(vq).		measure(vq,v).
quantity(hq1).		measure(hq1,h1).
quantity(hq2).		measure(hq2,h2).
quantity(hq).		measure(hq,h).
quantity(rq).		measure(rq,r).
quantity(tq).		measure(tq,t).
quantity(aq).		measure(aq,a).
quantity(angq).		measure(angq,ang).
quantity(dq).		measure(dq,d).
quantity(mq).		measure(mq,m).
quantity(mq1).		measure(mq1,m1).
quantity(mq2).		measure(mq2,m2).
quantity(tsnq).		measure(tsnq,tsn).
quantity(l1q).		measure(l1q,l1).
quantity(yq).		measure(yq,y).

incline(s3,tq,cc).	slope(s3,right).		concavity(s3,stline).
incline(s4,yq,bot).	slope(s4,right).		concavity(s4,stline).
angle(tp1,angq,semi).	partition(semi,[s1,s2]).
			slope(s1,left).			concavity(s1,right).
			slope(s2,right).		concavity(s2,right).
angle(tp2,dq,dome).	slope(dome,left).		concavity(dome,right).

sought(h1).		sought(h2).		sought(t).
sought(v).		sought(h).		sought(x).
sought(a).		sought(d).		sought(l).
intermediate(y).	intermediate(ang).	intermediate(m).
given(r).		given(g).		given(m1).


pb1(A) :- eval(arcsin(2^(-1)), A).

pb2 :- non_zero(0*2^(-1)).

pb3( (-t2)^(-1)*(-(1+t1*(-(-t2)^(-1)))^(-1))*t1*a0*(t1+t2)).
pb3 :- non_zero(t2^(-1)*d2).




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