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by Michael L Powell last modified 2007-01-26 03:25

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  Master list of tool numbers

#define SDETOOLNUM 1
  numbers should be integers between 0 and 8388607
/* Frame related */
#define FMTOOLSNUM     2997925
#define STPLINKNUM     8109558
#define PSTOEPSINUM    1602191
#define SOONNUM        1122334

/* VCS related */
#define VCSNUM     8239291
#define VCINTNUM   6656148

/* CenterLine related */
#define CLVCINUM   5369404
#define CLNMINUM   2687032

/* Code Inspector */
#define CISMARTNUM  1154516

/* StP */
#define STPENHNUM 326999

/* Cin */
#define CINNUM		2376394

/* Cin++ */
#define CINPLUSPLUSNUM	4936732

/* Vice */
#define VICENUM	3627555
#define XVINUM	5888792
#define XNMAKENUM	5765073

/* CIA */
#define CIANUM	4201651

/* CC5 */
#define CC5NUM	2261036 

/* C5 */
#define C5NUM	7630834

/* KSH */
#define KSHNUM   2481581

#define CCLASSICNUM   1580753

/* C++/CFRONT */
#define CFRONTNUM   6601266

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