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by Michael L Powell last modified 2007-01-26 03:24

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/*ident	"@(#)Regex:libx/t.c	3.1" */

#include "re.h"

	char pat[50], s[50];
	reprogram *prog;
	char *mess;
	int cs;

	printf("Pattern? ");
	scanf("%s", pat);
	while ((prog = recomp_Regex_ATTLC(pat, strlen(pat), RE_MATCH, &mess)) == 0)
		printf("%s\nPattern? ", mess);
		scanf("%s", pat);
	printf("Case sensitive matches? ");
	scanf("%d", &cs);	
	while (1)
		char old[100], new[100], dest[100];
		int i;
		printf("String to match? ");
		scanf("%s", s);
		i = reexec_Regex_ATTLC(prog, s, cs);
		printf("%s: %d\n", pat, i);
		if (i)
			printf("old string? ");
			scanf("%s", old);
			printf("new string? ");
			scanf("%s", new);
			resub_Regex_ATTLC(prog, old, new, dest, 0);
			printf("Result of substitution: %s\n", dest);

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