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by Michael L Powell last modified 2007-01-26 03:24

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/*ident "@(#)Path:ksh/t.c	3.1" */
#include <Pool.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <sys/param.h>

static VPool *pool;

static void poolcreate(size_t n, size_t exp)
	pool = new VPool(n, exp);

static void found(const char *p)
	cout << "found: " << p << endl;

static char * alloc()
	return (char*)pool->alloc();

static void shrink(char *p, size_t n)
	int i = pool->shrink(p, n);

extern "C" path_expand(const char *, 
		void (*found)(const char *), 
		void (*poolcreate)(size_t, size_t), 
		char * (*alloc)(), 
		void (*shrink)(char *, size_t));

	String s;
	while (1)
		cout << "Pattern to expand? ";
		cin >> s;
		int i = path_expand(s, found, poolcreate, alloc, shrink);
//		cout << i << " files (mem utilization was " << pool->memory_utilization() << ")\n";
		delete pool;

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