/*ident "@(#)ctrans:demo/task/sigtest.C 1.1" */ /************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T All Rights Reserved THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended publication of such source code. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include /* * sigtest.C * Task example showing 2 tasks communicating with semaphores and signals. * Uses the new signal-handling mechanisms in the task library: class * Interrupt_handler and the virtual interrupt() function. */ #define K 10 class Semaphore : public object { int sigs; public: Semaphore(int i =0) { sigs = i; } int pending(); void wait(); void signal() { if (sigs++ == 0) alert(); } }; void Semaphore::wait() { for (;;) { if (--sigs >= 0) return; sigs++; this_task()->sleep(this); } } int Semaphore::pending() { return sigs <= 0; } Semaphore* sema; /* Classes derived from Interrupt_handler are objects that * tasks can wait for. Objects of type Sig_handler will be alerted when * signals of the denoted number come in. */ class Sig_handler : public Interrupt_handler { int sig_id; public: Sig_handler(int sigid) : Interrupt_handler(sigid) { sig_id = sigid; } ~Sig_handler() {}; void interrupt(); // Interrupt_handler::interrupt is virtual }; /* The interrupt function will be called immediately when * a signal is received. Use it to do time-critical processing. */ void Sig_handler::interrupt() { printf("Sig_handler::interrupt() got signal %d\n", sig_id); } class Sig_task : public task { int nsigs; public: Sig_task(char*, int); }; const int MAX_SIGS = 5; Sig_task::Sig_task(char* n, int i) : task(n) { nsigs = 0; // Create handler to catch signal i's Sig_handler* sig_hand_p = new Sig_handler(i); while (nsigs < MAX_SIGS) { wait(sig_hand_p); // block; waiting for a signal i printf("Sig_task %s, woke up for signal %d.\n", n, i); nsigs++; sema->signal(); // let Sig_sender know we're ready for another } printf("Sig_task %s: all done.\n", n); delete sig_hand_p; // clean up resultis(0); // always end task constructor bodies with // resultis. } class Sig_sender : public task { int nsigs; public: Sig_sender(char*, int); }; Sig_sender::Sig_sender(char* n, int i) : task(n) { nsigs = 0; while (nsigs < MAX_SIGS) { printf("Sig_sender %s: about to send signal %d.\n", n, i); kill(getpid(), i); // send signal i to this process nsigs++; sema->wait(); // block so Sig_task has a chance // to handle the signal. } printf("Sig_sender %s: all done.\n", n); resultis(0); } main() { sema = new Semaphore; // create a Semaphore new Sig_task("sigusr1 task", SIGUSR1); // create task; switch to it new Sig_sender("sigusr1 sender", SIGUSR1); // create task; switch to it printf("main: all done.\n"); thistask->resultis(0); // main is a task too; must end it with // resultis (to allow remaining tasks // to run). }