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LISP 1.5 for IBM 360 at SDC

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J. A. Barnett and R. E. Long. The SDC LISP 1.5 System for IBM 360 Computers. SP-3043. by Paul McJones — last modified 2010-07-01 19:59
J. A. Barnett and R. E. Long. The SDC LISP 1.5 System for IBM 360 Computers. SP-3043 System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, January 11, 1968, 18 pages.
Notes on SDC LISP 1.5 System for IBM 360 Computers by Paul McJones — last modified 2010-11-26 18:25
R. E. Long. A Table of LISP 1.5/360 Functions and Variables. TM-4310/000/00, May 27, 1969 by Paul McJones — last modified 2012-08-28 14:39
R. E. Long. A Table of LISP 1.5/360 Functions and Variables. TM-4310/000/00, System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, May 27, 1969, 16 pages
John Burger. LISP 1.5 for the 360 Computers: Table of Entry Space. TM-4310/300/00, January 7, 1972 by Paul McJones — last modified 2012-08-28 14:43
John Burger. LISP 1.5 for the 360 Computers: Table of Entry Space. TM-4310/300/00, System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, January 7, 1972, 15 pages
John Burger. LISP 1.5 for the 360 Computer: Data Space Descriptions. TM-4310/400/00, California, November 17, 1972 by Paul McJones — last modified 2012-08-28 14:44
John Burger. LISP 1.5 for the 360 Computer: Data Space Descriptions. TM-4310/400/00, System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, November 17, 1972, 11 pages.
J. Barnett. LISP 1.5 for 360 Computer: Language Maintenance Manual. TM-4520/000/00, March 2, 1970 by Paul McJones — last modified 2012-08-28 14:46
J. Barnett. LISP 1.5 for 360 Computer: Language Maintenance Manual. TM-4520/000/00, System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, March 2, 1970, 51 pages.
John Burger. LISP EDIT Program, LISPED Users Guide. draft update of March 1, 1972. by Paul McJones — last modified 2012-08-28 14:57
John Burger. LISP EDIT Program, LISPED Users Guide. TM-4310/100/00, System Development Corporation, Santa Monica, California, December 1, 1969, 19 pages. Draft update of March 1, 1972.
Jeff Barnett. Memo to Mort Bernstein re infix-to-LISP translator. October 23, 1970 by Paul McJones — last modified 2012-08-28 15:01
Jeff Barnett. Memo to Mort Bernstein re infix-to-LISP translator. October 23, 1970, 6 pages.
J. Burger. Memo to M. Bernstein re New I/O for LISP. February 4, 1972 by Paul McJones — last modified 2012-08-28 15:04
J. Burger. Memo to M. Bernstein re New I/O for LISP. February 4, 1972, 2 pages.
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