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Jan Kok. README for NUMAL.tar. June 5, 2010.

by Paul McJones last modified 2010-06-05 14:30

Jan Kok. README for NUMAL.tar. June 5, 2010.

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File contents

file: README for NUMAL.tar

date: 100605

by  : Jan Kok

Contents of NUMAL.tar

The set of plaintext ASCII files
together contains an update of the index and manual of
the library NUMAL of Algol 60 procedures in numerical mathematics
as published in the Mathematical Centre publication: 
     P.W. Hemker (ed.)[1981]: 
     NUMAL. Numerical Procedures in ALGOL 60. 7 volumes.
     MC Syllabus 47, Mathematical Centre, Amsterdam.

Availability of the book version in the CWI publications repository:
the repository description of the NUMAL index has URL
It contains links to the other volumes and to the PDF files with
scanned images of the 7 volumes.

This update differs from the book version in the following respects:
1. The sources (of procedures and examples) have been adapted to a newer
   version of the compiler (Algol 60 version 5) and runtime system
   then available on Control Data mainframes.
2. The file numalinx.txt only contains a new, trimmed introduction and
   the systematic index. The original introduction also describing the
   history of the NUMAL development, and the KWIC index are available
   in the printed version, volume 1.
3. Errors have been corrected.
4. First-column symbols of all lines are printer control characters.

See the introduction of the Index (file numalinx.txt) for details.

The Stichting Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (Stichting CWI)
(legal successor of Stichting Mathematisch Centrum) at Amsterdam
has granted permission to Paul McJones to attach the integral
NUMAL library manual to his software preservation project web page.
( URL: )

It may be freely used. It may be copied provided that the name NUMAL and
the attribution to the Stichting CWI are retained.

Address of the legal owner
Full info at URL:
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